A.D.: New Chapter, New Book!

June 1st, 2008 by Larry Smith  

One of the most popular questions in the year or so since we’ve been publishing A.D.: New Orleans After the Deluge is: So, when is the book coming out? We’re absolutely thrilled to say that Pantheon Books, the preeminent graphic novel publishers of our day (they brought us Persepolis), are wild about A.D. and its creator Josh Neufeld, and will be publishing the serialized webcomic as a full-length, hardcover graphic novel (most likely released next summer). We’re very proud of Josh, and very grateful for the courage and insight of each and every one of the very real characters in the story. So a special thanks to Denise, The Doctor, Leo, Michelle, Kevin, and Hamid.

This also just in: “Section H,” the twelfth chapter in the comic is up. It’s perhaps the most intense chapter of this New Orleans story we’ve published, and among the most powerful examples of unique, personal, nonfiction storytelling we’ve had the pleasure to present in SMITH’s two and a half years online. I hope you give it a look. If you’re new to SMITH or A.D., read Josh Neufeld’s story from the very first panel.

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SMITH Magazine

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