Editors’ Blog

Call for Submissions: How Not To Get Laid

Thursday, March 5th, 2009

By Chris Teja

Someone who was particularly clever when it came to food metaphors once said, “Pizza is a lot like sex. When it’s good, it’s really good. And when it’s bad, it’s still pretty good.” And while I’m a firm believer in this quote, I think it’s safe to say that we all have at least one (I’m being very optimistic here) sexual encounter we’d prefer to forget ever happened.

But what do us writer-y types do with our secret shames? Do we forget about them and move on like a normal person? Absolutely not. We post them all over the internet for anyone who cares to read. How Not To Get Laid is a site dedicated entirely to sharing tales of sex gone wrong. HNTGL is the brainchild of Stewart Fox, a late-bloomer turned ladies man turned committed boyfriend looking to help others avoid the mistakes he made on his long, painful journey to sexual competence. He describes HNTGL’s mission as, “providing a forum for stories about all those amazing sexual encounters you almost had but didn’t. It is a place to learn from the mistakes of others, a place where we can share our most intimate tales of angst-ridden rejection, humorous heartbreak, and dirtiness deferred.” 

So let’s all do the responsible thing here and share our stories so others can skip the awkwardness and get down to business.

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7 responses

  1. Colorado Rocks says:

    Me and her, an elevator, I had the key; so did someone else!

  2. chris-teja says:

    Nice one CR. Did you submit it on the site?

  3. Colorado Rocks says:

    I thought of it, wrote it, posted it within minutes of readind your blog. this is the first time ive posted it if that is what you mean.

  4. supposedtobeworking says:

    Tossed my dinner on him after night spent drinking.

  5. Betsalah says:

    Broke his toe while searching for a condom.

  6. echolt says:

    Talk about the ex

  7. JFish51 says:

    Hid in a dryer when I discovered that her roomate (yes, a former sex partner) was on her way into the laundry room.

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