
Posts Tagged ‘Norah Vincent’

Interview: Norah Vincent, Author of Voluntary Madness

Monday, December 22nd, 2008

“It’s really a process of disrobing to find your own voice. Keep pulling off the layers of social expectation and all these things you put on yourself and get down to you. It’s a lot harder to figure out who you are, and therefore speak as yourself than you think.”
When Norah Vincent goes after a [...]

Excerpt: Voluntary Madness by Norah Vincent

Monday, December 22nd, 2008

“I spent four lost, interminable days in lockup that first time in the bin, getting worse, weeping at the sealed windows, yelping for rescue through the pay phone in the soul-destroying dayroom, wrapping into my roommate’s seamless paranoia, and, finally, out of sheer rage, altogether losing what was left of my tenuous grip.”
Norah Vincent is [...]

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