Tough Jobs: A Labor Day Tribute

August 30th, 2007 by kathy

2869223_59dfc01c8f_m.jpgAh, it’s Labor Day weekend and you know what that means: three-day weekend and BBQ time! My, how times have changed since the holiday was first observed way back in 1882. The good ol’ days.

According the Department of Labor,

Labor Day, the first Monday in September, is a creation of the labor movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers. It constitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country.

It’s also a yearly tribute to my grill. Kidding. Anyway, we at SMITH wanted to honor the working men and women with a mini-tribute. First, you should know that one of my favorite things to blog about are the many, many weird jobs people do (and get paid for, which is always sweet). See, like a lot of us, I am anti-cube. Those cold, nasty things make me cringe. Cubes are horribly cruel: you’re existing in a window-less confined space, and that fluorescent lighting that is designed to make you go blind. At least that’s my theory.

That being said, I decided to scour Flickr for as many odd, interesting, unique, and thankless jobs I could find so we at SMITH could say, thank you very much for a job well done.

Now chill out, enjoy your day off, pop open a beer, and light that grill! Ever had a weird job? Share it on our PopuLIST.

You can flip through the many different gigs out there on our Flickr set.

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