The Best of YouTube

May 7th, 2007 by Larry Smith

135465558_123402af8c_m.jpgGood news from SMITH contributor Patrick Sauer: He’s going to sort through all the online video sites and tell you what to watch. Well, him and his army of video monkeys at a new website, The Daily Tube, a spot that sends out the best video clips from the Web. The site offers categories (politics, sports, humor, etc.) and shoots you the best of the vids three days a week. Our man is handling “Late Nite,” which means you can go to bed and wake up with links to the Colbert highlights in your in-box.

Says Sauer: “It’s sort of like a daily newspaper, except without all that laborious reading or ink-stained fingers.”

Check it out and sign up for email delivery of the things you like to watch.

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