400 Words in Newsweek (!)

December 10th, 2006 by katherine

picture-2.pngPardon the self-promotion, but this is so cool. A major national weekly knows a good zine when they see one. 400 Words, this little (seriously, it’s like five and a half by six inches) literary-cum-sociological experiment that I do, has been written up in the current issue of Newsweek, in the Periscope section at the front of the book. The Newsweek issue in question hits newsstands tomorrow (I’ll be the young lady at the 6th Avenue/22nd Street Barnes & Noble, buying five), and it’s online right now, here.

Merry Christmas indeed.

Incidentally, I’m now entering the early stages of collecting stuff for the third issue, which will be on the theme of Work. Got a story to tell about your working life? I know you do. Whisper it to me; details here.

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