Stephen Colbert is Going to Die

September 8th, 2006 by Alex

And no, it won’t be at the hands of any bears: as this week’s video reveals, it’s because God is very, very angry.

This one’s the new hot viral video in the liberal blogosphere; it features Fred Phelps, the preacher who has become famous for protesting at military funerals and declaring that the deaths are just punishment from God for homosexuality in America. Seems Colbert and his partner in sin, Jon Stewart, had a little fun at the Emmys, with Colbert calling the audience “Godless sodomites.” As you can imagine, Phelps was more than a little upset by this — seems only he has the right to call people Godless sodomites. (And worse.)

And yes, I’m mostly putting this up to make fun of the obviously deranged Fred Phelps. But there’s a SMITH-ian aspect to this too. Yes, it’s probably a negative thing that Phelps can get on the air and broadcast his hatred worldwide, but what he’s doing here is something anyone can do now, and that’s undoubtedly positive. You don’t need to be on a network to get your views across in this day and age, not when you’ve got YouTube.

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