Archive for September, 2006

A Very Cool Something, Anything Project

Saturday, September 2nd, 2006

Summer Pierre has got a very cool personal media project going on at her site, an inspiring challenge to herself: A Something, An Anything for 30 Days. She’s creating an image a day (featuring wonderful, memory-based stories) on an 8.5 X 11 piece of paper with a felt-tip pen. You can see the gallery of images here, but be sure to read through the blog as well, because each posted entry also features excellent commentary on both the image and the overall project by Summer.

SMITH Confession Contest

Friday, September 1st, 2006

Inspired by this story from the New York Times, about the amazing range of confessions posted at one church’s website, and with the holiday weekend in mind, word has come down (or, maybe, from bed) from Mr. Smith himself — we’re having another giveaway.

Confess — what’s your holiday weekend story? Doesn’t have to be Labor Day, doesn’t have to be this year, but what blissful stretch of three or four days away from work inspired you to do something you need to confess? Good, bad, shameful, even something you’re proud of, we know you know you’ve got a story. So ‘fess up.

Three best responses win a copy of the Postsecret book. Leave your email address so we can contact you — it won’t be made public.

Extra points if your confession involves a secret crush on a certain SMITH blogger who posts videos every Friday. (Hey, a guy can dream, can’t he?)

Friday Video

Friday, September 1st, 2006

This isn’t one of the usual funny ones I post, but I thought it was interesting, especially in regards to what we do here at SMITH. One YouTube user, Renetto, is pretty popular; this is his video, offering other users the chance to use his popularity to jumpstart their own viral video career. It’s interesting, I think, because of the way that personal media has begun to resemble traditional media: there are the big guys out there now, the established ones who dominate the industry, and though it’s certainly easier to break through on YouTube than it would be to, say, get a six-picture deal with Paramount, a hierarchy has begun to develop. (I think the same thing is especially true of political blogs, a lot of whom complain about the traditional media’s “punditocracy,” but have formed, in some sense, their own punditocracy, as hard to break into as Washington’s.)

Anyway, here’s the video. I think it may be too late to enter, but it never hurts to try.

SMITH Magazine

SMITH Magazine is a home for storytelling.
We believe everyone has a story, and everyone
should have a place to tell it.
We're the creators and home of the
Six-Word Memoir® project.