Editors’ Blog

Call for Submissions: the3six5 Project

Friday, January 1st, 2010

By Chris Teja

A lot can happen in the course of a year. And with today being the day we usually spend in a state of (possibly hungover) reflection, thinking of all the little and big moments that made up the previous year, it seems appropriate to introduce a project that aims to capture all these moments for the coming year.

Enter the3six5, a project by Len Kendall and Daniel Honigman that aims to document all 365 days of 2010 with each day being assigned to a different guest blogger. The result should be a completely unique document of this year that covers everything –from the big events that affect us all to personal moments experienced only by the author. It looks like there are still lots of days up for grabs, so if you’d like to get involved just take a moment to read the author guidelines before contacting them with a few options for dates and a little bit about yourself. I’m personally really looking forward to my date (May 15th), and also to reading my way through a year’s worth of unique perspectives as the project develops.

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One response

  1. Scott Jordan Harris says:

    Dear Messrs. Honigman and Kendall,

    I am fascinated by the 3six5 project and would love to participate.

    My name is Scott Jordan Harris and I am a (film) critic, and occasional editor, for various print and online publications both academic and commercial. These include Film International, The Big Picture, Fangoria, PopMatters and Rogue Cinema. I’m 27; live in Warwickshire (‘Shakespeare’s County’) in Central England; and suffer from a severe form of the chronic, and chronically misunderstood, illness Myalic Encephomyelitis (ME), which often leaves me housebound.

    Diaries and diarists are one of the great passions of my life. Indeed, the peerless anthologies of diary writing The Assassin’s Cloak and The Secret Annexe – which collect journal entries from an enormous range of the world’s finest diarists across all 365 days of the year – are two of my favourite books, and the opportunity to participate in a real-time equivalent is one I can’t pass up.

    Below this message are 5 dates I would be happy to write about. (Though I would be willing to take almost any day you need to assign.) Below them are some links to some online examples of my writing.

    I look forward to hearing from you and, I hope, to becoming a member of the 3six5 team.

    Kind regards,

    Scott Jordan Harris

    Proposed Dates


    Online Examples of my Work




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